Full Name: Jenny Beckman
Age(optional): 21 years
GW Position: Part Timer
Weight (optional): 145lbs.
Height (optional): 5’ 11”
Athletic Ability: I like to think I have some
Where did you grow up? Hometown?
Maple Grove, MN
How long have you been working at Gear West?
A little over a year
What do you do at Gear West?
Whatever I’m asked to do? Primarily on the sales floor
What is the most interesting aspect of working at Gear West?
Getting to know the products better, and seeing all of the new innovations and changes in technology.
Not the people?
The people here definitely make it an interesting job, it’s a very friendly, fun working environment.
What drives you in this business?
The fact that I am a part of the active community that uses the products we sell. Because I am passionate about the sports we cater to, I can better relate the customer and help them to find a product that will best suit his/her needs.
Through your life experiences, how did you find your way to Gear West?
When I was 14 I (or should I say my parents) purchased my first pair of race skis, fit by Speedy. The same year I had some troubles finding a good pair of running shoes for track, I had a gait analysis done by Wendi and I haven’t had any running related injuries since. After experiencing the superior level of service provided by the staff here, I can remember wishing that someday I could have the knowledge that they did, and thinking that working here would be the best job ever. Livin’ the dream.
I think that it is safe to say that Gear West helped make the dream come alive. Is it the BEST job ever?
For me at this point, absolutely.
Was this the first time on skinny skis?
Not even close. I’ve been on skis since I could stand. My parents would take us (my older siblings and I) out to Elm Creek often, the Northern Lights loop was our favorite. It was hard work for us when we were small, but we enjoyed it because we knew our parents would let us have hot chocolate when we got home. When I was really little (3 years old or so) my mom would keep M&M’s in her pockets and share them with me as long as kept moving. I started racing when I was in 8th grade.
Were there any other childhood sports that you participated in?
Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Dance, Cross-Country, Track, Cycling, and Nordic Skiing
Wow!! That is impressive. How did you manage to keep it all straight? Did you ever show up to basketball in a swim cap?
Haha…thankfully no. I owe it to my very, very organized mother.
Any sweet sports achievements or personal victories?
I’ve won a couple Elm Creek time trials, does that count? MVP of the SCSU Nordic team for both 2008-09 and 2009-10.
Elm Creek victories are just a stepping stone to something greater. Do you have any major goals for the season or beyond?
This being my final year at the collegiate level I’m hoping to stay healthy. The goal is always the same, improve from last year’s results and of course, have fun.
Do you have any strengths/weaknesses?
In relation to what? I have weak arms and pretty strong legs? A little better classic skier than skater?
Well, I meant it as a general question to see your response. Are you a better classic skier than a skater? Do you have weak arms and strong legs?Yes. When it comes to my schedule I’m generally pretty organized, however if you saw my room, you might think otherwise.
Where are you attending college? What are you majoring in?
Currently attending Saint Cloud State University, will be graduating in May 2011 with a degree in communication studies with an emphasis on leadership and organization with minors in marketing and intercultural communication.
Do you have an idea of what you would like to do with your major? It’s ok to say NO. I majored in Economics and work at a ski shop, soooo…
I’m not entirely sure, I do know that I’d like to stay in this industry, I love being able to tie my favorite activities with my work.